投資思維 養成與建立

你可能會有興趣 : 生涯規劃
你可能會有興趣 : 小資收租實戰班

投資理財經典名句 :
• Do not put all eggs in one basket. — Warren Edward Buffett
• Never depend on single income. Make investment to create a second source. — Warren Edward Buffett
• Achieve success in any area of life by identifying the optimum strategies and repeating them until they become habits. — Robert Kiyosaki
• Remember, your mind is your greatest asset, so be careful what you put into it. — Robert Kiyosaki
• Every time you think you can’t do something, someone else thinks they can. — Robert Kiyosaki
• Afraid of change? Then fail. — Robert Kiyosaki”
• Broke is temporary, poor is eternal. — Robert Kiyosaki
• If you want to be rich, think big, think differently. — Robert Kiyosaki